Thursday, December 10, 2009

12 Days of Christmas Gifts, Day 2!

James Jean

You've been waiting your whole life for your handsome prints to come. (Buh-dum-DUM). Let us introduce you to Print Society, one of favorite new art shopping outlets. Print Society is a great concept -- artists and galleries from around the world can post images of their prints for free, and consumers can shop the prints from the site. Furthermore, Print Society is built on a social media platform, so you can tag your favorite artists and be updated when they release new prints, you can browse the fave artists of your friends, and you can share your own favorites with your Facebook friends.

And it's an embarrassment of riches, and gift-giving ideas. There are already dozens of artists and around 200 artworks for sale, at prices ranging from a few tenners to a few Benjamins. Feast your eyes (and your wallet) on James Jean, Edwin Ushiro, and so much more gorgeousness. Go now -- most these prints are limited editions.

Edwin Ushiro

Cole Gerst

Micah Lidberg

Print Society

1 comment:

sahadeva said...

Thanks for the writeup - we're really happy to hear you're liking Print Society! Lots more great stuff is coming soon.

Saha from Print Society.